Thursday, April 29, 2010

Pineapple "Ice Cream"

I made this dessert for my class with my church group last week. I did a post on this months ago, but I thought I would revisit it with pictures now that it is finally starting to warm up--at least for some people. We got snow today.

This is a fabulous and healthy dessert. Claire loves it and calls it pineapple ice cream.

Pineapple Ice Cream
1 pineapple (frozen in 1 inch chunks)
1/4 cup sugar or the equivalent of your desired sweetener

I chop many pineapples at once. It makes a mess, but you only have to make a mess once.

Freeze in Ziploc bags. Usually you can fit about 2 pineapples per bag. During the freezing process, pull them out about every hour and move the pineapple around in the bag. This will help it freeze individually rather than one huge pineapple chunk.

To make the ice cream, microwave 1 pineapple at full power for about one minute until it's just starting to get soft on the outside of the chunks. Place in the food processor (You really need a food processor. A blender won't work for this unless you have a pretty impressive blender.)

Start mixing. You will have to smash it down several times. The large chunks get stuck at the top and sometimes have a hard time mixing in. Just smash them down with a rubber scraper.

Keep mixing. Smash again.

Almost Done! Keep mixing until completely smooth and the consistency of soft-serve ice cream. Taste and add a bit more sugar if needed. Mix again until sugar is incorporated.

Store in the freezer. Like homemade ice cream, this is best immediately. It gets pretty hard in the freezer. Use within a few days.


  1. I will have to try this. Looks so good. You can do the exact same thing with bananas, only have to make sure you cut up the bananas before you freeze them. You don't even need to add sweetener with the bananas are ripe enough. It's really tasty and far more healthy than real ice cream.

  2. Yum. I'll have to try this. The new favorite at my place in Mango ice cream. We freeze the mango chunks and then put it in the food processor with vanilla Greek yogurt and a bit of milk. It's amazing!

  3. That's incredible. Who knew?!

  4. I'm going to try this in MY amazing Blender-the Vitamix. (Here cheering and clapping in the background.) It sounds delicious.
